
1、旁观者的姓名永远爬不到比赛的记分板上。Spectator's name never climb on the scoreboard。

2、要想壮志凌云,就须脚踏实地。If you want to top gun, you must be grounded。

3、苦难与幸福一样,都是生命盛开的花朵。Suffering and happiness, life is a blossom。

4、命运之神关上一道门,必定会打开另一扇窗。Fate god closes a door, will open another window。

5、决不能放弃,世界上没有失败,只有放弃。Never give up, there is no failure, only to give up。

6、再冷的石头,坐上三年也会暖。Cold stone, sat down in the three years will warm。

7、一个人如果不被恶习所染,幸福近矣。If a person is not dyed by habit, happiness nearly。

8、修正自己吧,不要企图修正别人。Fix yourself, don't attempt to correct others。

9、拿望远镜看别人,拿放大镜看自己。Take the telescope to watch others, take a magnifying glass。

10、我们不能选择命运,但是我们能改变命运。We can't choose the fate, but we can change the destiny。

11、没有承受困难的能力,就没有希望了。Without the ability to withstand difficult, there is no hope。

12、许多人缺少的不是美,而是自信的气质。Many people do not lack beauty, but confident temperament。

13、行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。Action is the ladder of success, the more, the higher the。

14、别想一下造出大海,必须先由小河川开始。Don't think about making the sea, you must start from small rivers。

15、感谢不离不弃的你,让我知道仍有人爱我。Thank you for sticking by, let me know someone still love me。

16、给高贵的灵魂找个住所,迷途之返是好汉。Find a home for the noble soul, is the return of lost men。

17、每个人都要长大、但不是每个人都懂得长大。Everyone has to grow up, but not everyone understand grew up。

18、欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。Desire to enhance the enthusiasm, perseverance in order to smooth the mountain。

19、展现自己的风采,用加倍的努力来赢得成功。To show their elegant demeanour, with double efforts to win success。

20、太阳能的原理:集中在一个焦点上才能产生热。The principle of solar energy: focus on a focal point to produce heat。

21、创造机会的人是勇者,等待机会的是愚者。Create opportunities for people is a brave man, waiting for chance is a fool。

22、诽谤别人,就象含血喷人,先污染了自己的嘴巴。The slander of others, like smite with the tongue, first polluted their mouths。

23、不开心睡一觉,就让它过去吧。伤心还好,伤胃就不好了。Not happy sleep, let bygones be bygones。 Sad well, hurt a stomach is bad。

24、每个人都有美好的梦想,只有坚持,你的梦想才能实现。Everyone has a wonderful dream, persistence, you dream to achieve。

25、人生需要耐心,需要勇气,需要激情,更需要信心。Life requires patience, need courage, need passion, need more confidence。

26、世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。There is no desperate situation, only people with a slough of despond。

27、没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。No one without contempt, endurance and struggle to conquer fate。

28、打击与挫败是成功的踏脚石,而不是绊脚石。Blow and frustration is a stepping stone of success, rather than a stumbling block。

29、我们可以输在人生起跑点,但绝不能输在人生转折点。We can lose in the life to start, but can never lose in the turning point in life。

30、让我们将事前的忧虑,换为事前的思考和计划吧!Let's concerns, will advance change to advance thinking and planning!

31、昨晚多几分钟的准备,今天少几小时的麻烦。Last night a few extra minutes of preparation, fewer hours of trouble today。

32、我们一定不要当三等公民:等下班、等工资、等退休。We must not when third-class citizens: such as work, such as wages, retirement, etc。

33、不要总是因为考虑长远的打算而忽略了随时可付出的努力!Don't always be ignored that consider long-term plan to efforts at any time!

34、用自己的双手去创造生活,用辛勤的汗水实现人生的梦想。With their own hands to create life, with hard work of achieve the dream of life。

35、如果你想有所作为,那么认准方向后就必须坚持到底,有始有终。If you want to do something, then look for direction must stick to it, after finish。

36、随时保持自信,认识自己的价值,做一个能真正坚定自己的珍宝商。Keep confident, know your value, can be a really determined their own treasure。

37、只有强者才懂得斗争;弱者甚至失败都不够资格,而是生来就是被征服的。Strength alone knows conflict, Weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished。

38、面对人生的逆境,不要妥协,而要选择坚强,好好挺着。In the face of adversity in life, don't compromise, and should choose strong, very well。

39、当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。When you can fly, do not have to give up fly。 When you can dream, do not give up the dream。

40、如果我们消极地生活,那么迟早会深困在自己建造的房子里。If we live passively, then sooner or later will deep trapped in his own to build the house。

41、感谢那些曾让我伤心难过的日子,我知道快乐已经离我不远了。Thanks to those who make me sad sad day, I know happiness has not far away from me。

42、最重要的就是不要去看远方模糊的,而要做手边清楚的事。The most important thing is not to go to see the fuzzy distance, but to do what clearly at hand。

43、人若把自己框在一定的范围内,就容易限制了自己的思维和格局。If a man put his box in a certain range, would be easy to limit their own thinking and pattern。

44、没有人能预知未来的命运,但我们可以用愉悦的表情面对命运。No one can predict the future destiny, but we can use the joyful expression in the face of fate。

45、做决定之前仔细考虑,一旦作了决定就要勇往直前、坚持到底。Consider carefully before you make a decision, once made the decision to go forward, stick to it。

46、你能把忍功夫做到多大,你将来的事业就能成就多大。How much do you can put the endure kung fu, you how can cause of achievement in the future。

47、无论做什么事情都不能大意,一定要把事情考虑周密以后才能做。No matter what things can't be careless, be sure to put the things to consider carefully before they do。

48、人生舞台的大幕随时都可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还是选择躲避。Stage of the life should be open at any moment, the key is you willing to performance, still choose to avoid。

49、力量必须从自己身上寻找,你终究会发现:你是真正的强者!power must be looking for of him, you will eventually find that you are the real strong one!

50、忍别人所不能忍的痛,吃别人所不能吃的苦,是为了收获得不到的收获。Endure other people can't endure the pain, eat other people can't eat bitter, to harvest not harvest。

51、想哭就哭,想笑就笑,不要因为世界虚伪,你也变的虚伪了。Want to cry, I cry, wanted to laugh, don't cry because it is the world of hypocrisy, you also become false。

52、人生就像马拉松,获胜关键不在于瞬间的爆发,而在于途中的坚持。Life is like a marathon, to win the key does not lie in the outbreak of the moment, but in the way。

53、善待人生的每个梦想,给自己信心,要知道你有能力实现它。Treat every dream of life, confidence to oneself, to know that you have the ability to achieve it。

54、给自己一片没有退路的悬崖,就是给自己一个向生命高地冲锋的机会。Give yourself a cliff no escape, is to give yourself a chance to the highlands to the life the charge。

55、生命的路途是经历不断追求为别人生产快乐和幸福的过程。The journey of life is to experience the pursuit to the process of production of joy and happiness for others。

56、以善为本,以德为准,享乐是一种空洞,快乐喜悦是一种深刻。To good, good for shall prevail, pleasure is a kind of empty, happy happiness is a kind of profound。

57、成功的人做别人不愿做的事,做别不敢做的事,做别人做不到的事。Successful people do what others don't want to do, do, don't be afraid to do what others can't do。

58、我们的梦想就在高高的山巅上,如果每天攀登一阶,矢志不渝,梦想终会实现。Our dream is on the high mountain, if climb a step every day, unswervingly, dream will come true。

59、只要依靠自己的力量去做事情,即使条件很差,也能取得成功。As long as rely on their own strength to do things, even if the condition is very poor, also can succeed。

60、记住,别轻易地放弃叩门,成功会在你下一次叩门时,微笑着迎接你的。Remember, don't give up easily knock, success will be in the next time you knock, with a smile to greet you。




Love, this is not a heart to beat another heart, but the tetimes is only a person's things. Has nothing to do rid of is one of the root causes of life, love, especially the case.


This is a law of friendship: once you suspect that you have walked through the front door, love will slip through the back door.


I really like you, close my eyes, think I can forget, but shed tears, but did not deceive themselves.


Love is the seed of virtue.


Love, hope, fear and faith constitute humanity. They are the symbols and features of human nature.


The way of true love is not smooth.


In this an staring at the stars, love is a urn.


of a lover is not to be called to the other party.


Love is not a refuge, if you ernal flame and eternal light, the existence of the world, takes it as nourishment.


It too early the feelings will soon fade.


Courage is like love, it needs hope to nourish it.


Only in love can show the personality of the shine, in order to play the original.


True love never dies.


Love is love, love is not love, it is a kind of desire.


Deep feeling that I can not afford the burden, if only occasionally.



Dear ones, the human eternal topic.


Love, the friend, the same flesh and blood.


A mother's love is the greatest power in the world.


Nefortable, is a family of itself.


parents of the grace, e, should also be said that the travel.


One to move the guest to changsha, looking an is fragile, the mother is strong.


In the child's mouth and mind, mother is god.


Mother e.


Let his oposed of mercy, children sleep in it can not sweet?



Face of adversity, understanding friend.


Better lose a friend, a punch line.


Forces, the ancients of shame.


Nearly hen chung; Almost a fool is mind-blo the wicked, good to know each other.


When you far away to know each other, not deep sea of clouds.


Man is to make friends with the fire of the animal.


Friends such as gold, sand do not treasure.


Friendship can improve happiness, reduce pain.


A friend has alter friend, wine the older the incense.


Of the dog, not the danger!


Hatred will eventually disappear, friendship last forever.


Books are like friends, must choose carefully.


To make people temporarily, not a friend.


Goodwill produce happiness, civilization brings harmony.


Friend, each other friendship is the side.


The peach blossom pool depth thousand feet, less than promises on the basis of any relationship is not strong.



Head of no reason。


poetry is a mature reason。


Reason is the light and the light of life。


Let's follow the reason, it is a reliable guide。


Irrationality is not necessarily irrational。


Confident of the future, it is rational expectations。


Neglect is not open, risks mania is not rational。


There is no reason not a rational life。


Everything has a rational animal, will be boring。


Reason is the first specification of natural law。


Youth is a constant, is a passionate sense。


An intellectual is instinct and rationality。


Reason often correct feelings too hasty judgment。


Rude all damage, even damage reason and justice。


Once produced, governing their reason, it is a virtue。


Rationality is a compass, desire is the storm。


prejudice never easily, unless it can be terminated by reason。


The most is sensible, is this the reason of denial。


There is no a rational person, can accept the reason。


No reason at the mercy of any things don't last long。


Time than rational create even more converts。


Reason and judgment is the basic quality as a leader。


Rational often become the slaves of sin and to defend it。


Instinct leaping forward quickly, reason can only crawl。


Faith is beneficial, but it doesn't have attributed。


The exception proves the rationality of the rules and regulations。


While walking down the reason forward in big strides, fantasy。


Reason is higher than the soul thought than relationship is reliable。


Worthy of a rational life, must always spent in progress。


Very few people have a reason, most people have eyes。



Good order is the foundation of all things.


The truth not fear, only afraid of concealment.


The proof, the losing.


The pleasure of the people is the highest without a method.


Don't follow the rules and regulations, not free.


Law is just a record of our will.


Laws are made to prevent a strong person to do everything.


Glory prohibited by law but often answered.


The judge's personality is the final barrier of justice.


Law is designed to protect the innocent.


of arteries and veins and consent, la sin.


people judge life clean, never WangQu of wealth.




If not faith by people, it is a dead letter.


How, stone to strop blunt for profit; Method in a strop how foolish to think.


The national emblem on justice is the first duty of a scale, head clean is authority.


In civil law in the motherly eyes, every man is the whole country.


The judge professional code of conduct, justice, integrity, civilized and efficient.


The clear legal provisions, the provisions is actually implemented easily.



Never think of death passed forever, as long as people alive, dead people can live forever, live forever.


Maybe in our souls have a mass of the heat, but no one use it to the only immortal, is the art of the understanding of people and the ch, I ry, I still have what not satisfied?


rayed the people of god.


More and more, I believe, to create the good price is: hard ething great than me.


Through a star to express the hope that, through a sunset over the rosy clouds to express the desire of the mind.


Life is just a season of sowing, harvesting is not here.


ter is to try and disappointment, and perseverance. The first is pain then joy.


As long as the living alive, dead people al me along the road to my own struggle, don't lose courage, don't slacken off.



I must have had.


I need to do to make it up to you?


Will you ever forgive me?


I didn't mean to.


I am apologize to you.


I'll never forgive myself.


It's all my fault, I am to blame.


Forgive me! I know I was wrong.


How could I be so careless?


If I were you, I would apologize to him.


A heart silly, in the stupid e owe representative.


Is my blather, I'm sorry, I don't say anymore, please forgive me.


I knopensation.


1、不怕学不会,只怕不肯钻。Not afraid, not afraid to drill。

2、时间是脑力劳动者的资本。Time is the capital of the brain。

3、勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦一分才。Is a good training, a hard one before。

4、汗水换来丰收,勤学取得知识。Sweat harvest, hard to get knowledge。

5、天才无非是长久的忍耐,努力吧!Genius is nothing but a long endurance!

6、早起多长一智,晚睡多增一闻。An early night more than a smell of wisdom。

7、平时不好学,临考悔已迟。Usually not easy to learn, too late to regret the exam。

8、灵感是从来不拜访懒汉的。Inspiration is never called on the sluggard。

9、书籍是横渡时间大海的航船。The book is the ship crossing the sea of time。

10、不怕学不成,只怕心不诚。Not afraid, afraid of heart is not sincere。

11、只要是有益的话,小孩的话也要听。As long as it is good, the child will listen to it。

12、忘记今天的人将被明天忘记。Forget today's people will be forgotten tomorrow。

13、黑发不如勤学早,白发方悔读书迟。Black as time, white square regret later reading。

14、你若需要时间,还得自己把他造出来。If you need time, you have to make it yourself。

15、好学而不勤问非真好学者。Good learning and not often asked not to really good scholar。

16、刻苦学习的人总能实现自己的愿望。people who study hard can always achieve their wishes。

17、少年不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。Boy no time, white square regret later reading。

18、学成巧,总是巧;装成巧,惹人笑。They always pretend to be clever, clever; smart, funny。

19、钟不敲不鸣,人不学不灵。Don't knock the clock not singing, people do not learn。

20、文学之知识乃是学问之门禁。Knowledge of literature is the access control of learning。

21、靠父亲的学识成不了学者。By his father's knowledge can not become a scholar。

22、怕问路,要迷路。嘴勤不走冤枉路。Afraid to ask, get lost。 Mouth do not go astray。

23、勤奋是聪明的土壤,勤学是聪明的钥匙。Diligence is the smart is smart key soil, logistics。

24、愈学习,愈发现自己无知。The more learning, the more you find yourself ignorant。

25、水滴石穿,绳锯木断。Dripping water wears through a stone。, Little strokes fell great oaks。

26、黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。Energy-saving, white square regret later reading。

27、聪明靠努力学习,知识靠平日积累。Smart by hard learning, knowledge on weekdays accumulation。

28、赶脚的对头是脚懒,学习的对头是自满。My head is foot lazy, complacency is the enemy of learning。

29、讷讷寡言者未必愚,喋喋利口者未必智。Only silence may not be foolish, just not wise liqueur。

30、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。Having read more than ten thousand books, writing if there is god。

31、活到老,学到老,一生一世学不了。It is never too late to learn, to learn, one's whole life。

32、人不劳动没出息,人不学习没长进。people do not work for nothing, people do not learn no progress。

33、手指有长有短,知识有高有低。学无前后,达者为师。Finger length, knowledge。 No, as teachers。

34、黄金时代是在我们的前面,而不在我们的后面。The golden age is before us, not behind us。

35、年华一去不复返,事业放弃在难成。Time gone, cause to give up in difficult to become。

36、边学边问,才有学问。若要精,人前听。Learn to ask, learned。 To be fine, people listen to。

37、刀不快,石上磨。人不会,世上学。Knife is not quick, stone grinding。 No one can go to school。

38、喜欢吹嘘的人犹如一面大鼓,响声大腹中空。Like people who brag is like a drum, the hollow sound。

39、没有加倍的勤奋,就既没有才能,也没有天才。There is no talent, no talent, no more diligent。

40、要学蜜蜂采百花,问遍百家成行家。To learn the bees gather flowers, asked all over 100 experts。

41、一分耕耘,一分收获。一艺之成,当尽毕生之力。A hard, a harvest。 A skill, when the power of life。

42、不能则学,不知则问,耻于问人,决无长进。Not to learn, I asked, ashamed to ask people, no。

43、用宝珠打扮自己,不如用知识充实自己。Dress with pearls, as to enrich themselves with knowledge。

44、劳动是知识的源泉;知识是生活的指南。Labor is the source of knowledge; knowledge is the guide to life。

45、学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous。

46、蜂采百花酿甜蜜,人读群书明真理。Bee stuffed sweet flowers, group of people reading the book out the truth。

47、智者千虑,必有一失;愚者千虑,必有一得。It is a wise man, there must be a loss; a fool, there will be one。

48、树不修,长不直;人不学,没知识。The tree does not repair, long not straight; people do not learn, no knowledge。

49、山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。The mountain road to the size, no end for learning suffering for the boat。

50、可得一夜安眠;勤劳一生,勤劳一日。可得幸福长眠。But a night's sleep; a hard life, one day。 A happy death。

51、博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辩之,笃行之。Erudite, questioning, deliberative, distinguish, and faithful。

52、吹嘘自己有知识的人,等于在宣扬自己的无知。He who boasts of his knowledge is equal to his own ignorance。

53、鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。The bird to fly first wings, who seek to improve themselves to reading。

54、井淘三遍吃好水,人从三师武艺高。Wells wash three times to eat water, people from the three pision Wu Yi high。

55、谦虚是学习的朋友,自满是学习的敌人。Humility is the learning of a friend, complacency is the enemy of study。

56、言过其实,终无大用。知识愈浅,自信愈深。No big exaggerate。 The more shallow knowledge, the more deep the confidence。

57、学问渊博的人,懂了还要问;学问浅薄的人,不懂也不问。A learned man, a man who knows not, but a man who has no knowledge。。

58、不向前走,不知路远;不努力学习,不明白真理。Do not move forward, not far; don't study hard, do not understand the truth。

59、山不厌高,水不厌深。骄傲是跌跤的前奏。The mountain is too high, the water too deep。 pride is the prelude to fall。

60、水不流,会发臭;人不学,会落后。The water does not flow, will stink; people do not learn, will be left behind。
