

1、Following the painting work from the students of old Yang Jia Zhen Primary School are shown, the colorful painting represents the longing and hope to the new ^v^Sunshine Primary School^v^. 下面是杨家镇小学的孩子们亲手制作的一幅幅“阳光小学”绘画作品,五彩缤纷的画作表达了孩子们心中对未来“阳光小学”的憧憬和希望。

2、The expectationfuture, palely will look at the life. 憧憬未来,淡看人生。

3、Find your life's vision and purpose and live it while you are single. 当你还单身的时候,找到并践行你对生活的憧憬和目标。

4、You must have a clear vision of your life. 你必须对你的人生有一个清晰憧憬。

5、The room's style exemplifies his ideal of beauty and plainness. 这个房间的风格表明了他对美与质朴的憧憬。

6、I grew up in the Midwest, which shaped my expectations of the world. 我在米德韦斯特长大,这里影响了我对世界的憧憬。

7、For example ^v^Digital get down^v^ reflects how J. C feels about the internet frenzy and ^v^I'll be good for you^v^ is based on Justin's feeling about a would-be girl friend. 例如,《堕落》反映了查塞兹对疯狂上网的感觉,《我为你而高兴》则基于贾斯汀对未来女朋友的憧憬。

8、Expectation or result tracing out of the AND expectations = less than or equal to the smallest sureness factor from the AND constituents. 追溯到 AND 期望的期望或结果 = 小于或等于来自 AND 成分的最小的确信因子。

9、They have tired of the false promises and grand illusions of radical extremists,” he said, and reject their “hateful vision” in favor of a better future. 他们厌倦了激进极端分子的虚假许诺和虚无缥缈的幻想^v^,决然摈弃极端分子的^v^仇恨思想^v^,憧憬更美好的未来。

10、Meanwhile, job growth has been, and looks to remain, disappointingly slow, indicating that those out of work for a while are likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. 而同时,就业机会的增加保持在一个令人失望的慢速度,表明短期失业者由于对未来有一个比较好的预期,因而可能并不急于找工作。

11、Hyypiä eyes the European Cup before the 2005 final with AC Milan in Istanbul. xx年,伊斯坦布尔,海皮亚憧憬对阵米兰的欧冠决赛。

12、Fields wished that the awards should recognize both existing mathematical work and also the promise of future achievement . 菲尔兹希望,这一奖项既是对现有数学成果的肯定,也是对未来数学成就的期许。

13、At the same time, gives an anticipation and expectation with the feeding industry's competition after China joined the WTO. 同时,也对我国加入WTO后,饲料业未来的竞争与前景作了预期与展望。

14、Me was composed of stories, of cravings, of strivings, of desires of the future. 我由故事组成, 由渴望,奋斗组成, 由对未来的期望组成。

15、And, at our balcony table, as darkness gathered and the birds fell silent, we sat and raised our glasses to the shared past, the present, and what is yet to come. 坐在阳台上的桌子边上,看夜幕慢慢落下,听着鸟鸣逐渐稀疏,一起举杯分享过去的时光,憧憬未来。

16、Hope there was too for the future, with improving education perhaps it would never get this bad again. 人们也开始对未来憧憬起来,把教育提上去,也许情况永远也不会这么糟了。

17、We should learn from yesterday, cherish today and hope for tomorrow. 我们应该感悟过去,珍惜现在,憧憬未来。

18、Downhearted, you always put hope is ignited, when again I hope looking forward to the future, but you will once again choose to disappear; 心灰意冷时,你总会及时的把希望点燃,当我再次满怀希望憧憬未来,你却会再一次的选择消失;


19、I'm here to listen, to share ideas and to jointly, as one of many NATO allies, help shape our vision for the future. 我来这里听,来分享意见与合作,作为北约组织联盟国的一员来帮助塑造我们的未来憧憬。

20、Often looking forward to your dream, I love no less. 每每憧憬对你的梦想,我的爱毫无逊色。

21、Communicate your expectations to the child. 向孩子传达你对他/她的期望。

22、Finally, we look into the future of e-cash technology. 最后对电子现金技术的未来进行展望。

23、Thirdly, we brought forward the prospect of the waterborne heavy-duty coatings in the future. 最后,对于水性重防腐涂料未来的发展方向提出了展望。

24、It's been a tough year for Amgen, but something finally went the company's way. 在这个对安进来说非常困难的xx年里,终于还是有些事情按照安进所期望的样子发展了。

25、What are you imagining? 你在憧憬什么?

26、Mainland students are eager to study at HKIEd. 内地高考生对教院的学习生活充满憧憬。

27、The couple got married last year, and Xia Shujuan is pregnant now and is expected to give birth around the upcoming national holiday. [Photo:Asianewsphoto] 这对夫妻于去年结婚,夏淑娟有望在未来的国庆假期中产子。

28、Perspective is a good thing to learn. 憧憬是一件需要学习的好东西。

29、Can spell out with a floor tile the personal longing to domesticity . 用一块一块的地砖可以拼出自己对家庭生活的憧憬。

30、Thank you join me in looking forward to the future and success; 感谢你我一起憧憬未来与成功;

31、More than any other technology today, ScanScout brings this vision of the future closer to reality. 和当今其他的技术对比,ScanScout对未来的憧憬更贴近现实。

32、Rhino Boy will be made in a mechanical shape to symbol the look into the future. 犀牛小子则会以较具科技感的机械造型捏塑,象徵对未来的展望。

33、Free chatting and laughter are the deepest impression of my family and same as my expectation of my own family. 一家人在一起有说有笑是我对家庭最深的印象, 也是我对未来自己的小家的期望。

34、Live in the moment, don't miss the past or for the future waste your life now. 活在当下,别在怀念过去或者憧憬未来中浪费掉你现在的生活。

35、We have reason to believe that for quite a long time to come, China and the whole world will be blessed with important development opportunities. 展望未来,无论对中国、还是对世界而言,今后相当长的一段时期都将是一个难得的发展机遇期。

36、Ideal not only to the dreams of the future, but also need a solid action, like climbing a mountain, step by step forward. 理想不只是对未来的憧憬,还需要扎扎实实的行动,像登山一样一步一步前进。


37、Rapid advances in technology mean cyborgs, or human-like robots, are no longer a vision of a distant future. 科技的迅速发展意味着电子人(或类人机器人)不再是遥远未来的憧憬。

38、The photonic crystal is developing vigorously, and its future will be filled with challenge and hope. 光子晶体正处于蓬勃发展期,其未来充满挑战和希望。

39、Every child longs for the same (happy) future. 这应该是一个比较典型的中文式的表达,英语习惯这样说吧

40、This celebration is the first scale in an interval of a century to come where we shall rejoice, summarize, reflect and anticipate. xx年庆典,仅仅是乐团百年基业的第一个刻度,纪念,庆祝,总结,反思,正是 缘于对美好未来的更多憧憬和高远的展望。

41、As for the future, Lin wants to make sure he ends up in the right situation. 对于未来,林书豪希望能够以正确的方式结束。

42、In general, parental expectations fall into two categories: expecting too much of our children and expecting too little. 一般来说,父母的期待会被分为两大类:对孩子期望太多的和太少的。

43、Ann has already given up on her future. 小安对她的未来已不抱希望。

44、At last, future work and conclusion are given. 最后对未来的工作入行了铺望。

45、I just a naughty child, always longing, hope the wing. 我只是顽劣的孩子,总在憧憬着,希翼着。

46、Other students on the SMU campus also had high hopes for the future. 南卫理公会大学的其他学生也对未来抱有很高的期望。

47、They have too high of expectation for the kids, when the kids can no … … 他们对孩子的期望值高,当孩子不能满足他们的期望时,他们会采取打孩子来发泄。

48、This conclusion is expected for the seafood and fish nutrition for the long-term debate end. 此一结论可望为对于海鲜鱼类营养的长期争论划上句号。

49、Let's look forward to having a brilliant future! 让我们一起憧憬锦绣前程吧!

50、Fantasy and ideal vision but end the deadlock. 幻想与理想的憧憬只能无可奈何的搁浅.

51、I'm here to listen, to share ideas and to jointly, as one of many , help shape our vision for the future. 我来这里倾听,来分享意见与合作,作为北约组织联盟国的一员,来帮助塑造我们的未来憧憬。

52、Picture all the expectations you have for yourself, your life, your spouse, your kids, your coworkers, your job, the world. 想象一下你所有的期望,对自己、对人生、对配偶、对孩子、对同事、对工作以及世界的期望。

53、Lady with the attachment to send it away, full of longing Jinniu usher. 带着依恋送走银鼠,满怀憧憬迎来金牛。

54、That glowing vision of the future extends to their overall outlook for the economy, according to the College Explorer Study. 大学拓展研究显示,大学生对于未来会强烈的憧憬延伸到了他们对经济的整体看法。


55、Surveys showed that until about a week ago, Egyptians had extraordinarily low expectations for the future, among the lowest in the world. 调查表明,直到一周前,埃及人对未来的期望都是出乎意料的低,属于全世界最低的之一。

56、So here it is, Merry Christmas, everybody's having fun, look to the future now, it's only just begun. 我要关注“终于到了说圣诞快乐的这一天。 所有人在尽情玩耍,憧憬未来。 而节日的庆典才刚刚开始”。

57、The children of the future of the individual, the future of pessimism, despair, there is a sense of inferiority. 孩子们对个人的未来,对前途悲观、绝望,有自卑心理。

58、The long-term demands includes parents' expectation of children's education attainment, expectation of what personality children will have and what kind of person children will be; 对子女教育的期待包含家长对子女的学历期望、希望孩子将来成为怎样的人以及对孩子个性特点的期望;

59、Girls express their longing for a bright future by graceful movements as ^v^rubbing shoulders^v^, ^v^slightly shrugging shoulders^v^, ^v^bending waists^v^ and ^v^ putting up hands and rubbing arms^v^. 姑娘们则常用“揉肩”、“轻抖肩”以及“下腰”、“扬手揉臂”等优美的动作,抒发她们对草原美好未来的憧憬与遐想。

60、Liverpool have extended Krisztian's contract until 2012 lately and this shows that they consider him as a good prospect for the future. 利物浦已经延长了克里斯坦斯安的合同到xx年,这显示他们已经都考虑他的未来憧憬。

61、Employees appreciate being ^v^in the know^v^ and will contribute to improvements and future success. 员工期望知晓决策的内情,有助于进步和未来的成功。

62、We don't know what the future is, but at least we're had a vision of a chance. 我们都不知道未来是什么样子,诚惶诚恐,但至少我们就有了憧憬的机会。

63、Our expectations of children start as fantasies when we are children ourselves. 我们对孩子的期望始于当我们自己还是孩子时的幻想。

64、Fortyfourth street side of each figure are like you 第四十五封 我也憧憬过也怕后来没结果

65、The great man has a vision of the future that enables him to put obstacles into perspective. 伟大的人物善于憧憬未来,这就使得他能够以长远的观点看待眼前的障碍。

66、I will have realistic expectations for my children. 我对孩子的期望切乎实际。

67、Looking ahead, China Chuan Denso International team on the way business is very clear and pragmatic. 展望未来,华川电装班子对企业的国际化之路十分清晰务实。

68、Over the past has become history, it will far away, let's not even starting today, the shoulders, to a glorious future vision to the sky to the statement. 过去的已成为历史,它将远离而去,让我们今天连起双肩,把辉煌的未来憧憬,向天空对言。

69、Although the Idstein design center had considerable experience with this type of mechanism, the resulting design could never exceed user expectations. 尽管伊斯坦设计中心对于机械装置有着丰富的经验,但设计出来的产品却从未能超越使用者的期望值。

70、Wait for the future, looking forward to the future expectation of heart constantly increased. 等待未来,展望未来的期待的心绵绵不断地增多。

71、Housing for the future delivery, for a small property owners is a expectant right for future property, such expectant rights gain exclusive effectiveness because of notice registration. 房屋的未来交付,对于小业主来说是一种未来物权的期待权,这种期待权因为预告登记而具有排他性的效力。

72、^v^I think it's true that parents have higher aspirations for their kids than agricultural labor,^v^ he says. 的确,父母对孩子有更高的期望,不希望他们将来当农业工人。