

1、Get the best of both worlds with a delicious and savory pumpkin and bacon pasta.

2、Make breakfast special with some homemade pumpkin spice pancakes.

3、Try something new this season with a spicy pumpkin curry.

4、Baked acorn squash with brown sugar and butter is a sweet and savory autumn side dish. 加了黄糖和黄油的烤橡果南瓜是甜咸相间的秋季配菜。

5、August is the perfect time to indulge in seasonal delights like watermelon and corn.

6、Enjoy the rich flavors of the harvest with some roasted root vegetables.

7、Indulge your sweet tooth with a sticky toffee pudding topped with ice cream.

8、For a cozy dinner, try some slow-cooked and savory beef pot roast.

9、Harvest vegetables like pumpkins and squash make delicious seasonal dishes. 丰收的蔬菜如南瓜和西葫芦可制作美味的季节食品。

10、Give your taste buds a treat with some sweet and savory roasted acorn squash.

11、Get your daily dose of vegetables by whipping up a flavorful vegetarian stir fry.

12、Try something new this year with a spicy and delicious pumpkin hummus.

13、Apples are in season during the autumn and make a delicious and healthy snack. 秋季是苹果的季节,它们是美味又健康的零食。

14、Roasted brussels sprouts with bacon and maple syrup is a delicious and indulgent autumn side dish. 加了熏肉和枫糖浆的烤布鲁塞尔芽甘甜可口,是秋季美味的配菜。

15、Warm apple cider with spices like cinnamon and nutmeg is a classic autumn drink. 加了肉桂和肉豆蔻等香料的温暖苹果汁是经典的秋季饮料。

16、Warm apple crisp with vanilla ice cream is a classic autumn dessert that is perfect for any occasion. 加入香草冰淇淋的温暖苹果脆是经典的秋季甜点,在任何场合都很适合。

17、Pumpkin pie is a classic autumn dessert that everyone loves. 南瓜派是经典的秋季甜点,广受大众喜爱。

18、Take advantage of the end-of-season zucchini by making some healthy and delicious fritters.

19、For a light and refreshing meal, try a zesty salad topped with grilled shrimp or chicken.


20、Get creative with seasonal ingredients by making a flavorful harvest quiche.

21、Warm and cozy apple cinnamon oatmeal cookies are a delicious autumn treat. 温暖舒适的苹果肉桂燕麦饼干是美味的秋季小吃。

22、Make the most of the season by sampling some freshly harvested figs.

23、Creamy and spicy pumpkin soup with a dollop of sour cream is a comforting and indulgent autumn dish. 加入酸奶油的奶油南瓜汤是舒适和奢侈的秋季菜肴。

24、Ready for some comfort food? How about a piping hot bowl of chili?

25、Buttery and flaky apple turnovers are a delicious autumn dessert that is perfect for entertaining. 奶油酥皮的苹果批是美味的秋季甜点,非常适合聚会时享用。

26、Nothing beats a hot bowl of soup on a cool autumn day. 在凉爽的秋日里,没有什么比一碗热汤更舒服。

27、Warm and comforting soups like chicken noodle or minestrone are perfect for autumn. 温暖舒适的汤,如鸡肉面条汤或蔬菜通心粉,是秋季的完美选择。

28、Warm and fluffy cinnamon rolls are a cozy autumn breakfast or dessert. 温暖松软的肉桂卷是温馨的秋季早餐或甜点。

29、Warm and comforting apple oatmeal is a hearty autumn breakfast that will keep you full all morning. 温暖舒适的苹果燕麦粥是饱腹的秋季早餐,可以让你整个早上都吃得饱饱的。

30、Nothing screams "fall" more than a warm slice of apple pie with vanilla ice cream.

31、Celebrate the cooler weather with a hearty bowl of beef stew with root vegetables.

32、Nothing beats a creamy risotto made with seasonal produce and fresh herbs.

33、Roasted root vegetables like carrots and potatoes are a flavorful autumn side dish. 烤胡萝卜和土豆等根茎类蔬菜是美味的秋季配菜。

34、Nothing beats a warm bowl of homemade soup, especially when made from fresh ingredients.

35、Baked sweet potatoes are a simple but delicious autumn side dish. 烤甜薯是简单但美味的秋季配菜。

36、Warm and comforting chicken pot pie is a classic autumn dish that is perfect for cooler days. 温暖舒适的鸡肉派是经典的秋季菜肴,非常适合凉爽的天气。

37、Indulge your senses with a decadent, comforting bowl of macaroni and cheese.

38、Roasted beets with goat cheese and balsamic glaze is a delicious and colorful autumn side dish. 加上山羊奶酪和香醋芝麻酱的烤甜菜是美味而多彩的秋季配菜。


39、Make the most of the end-of-summer abundance with a delicious ratatouille.

40、Rice pudding with cinnamon and raisins is a comforting autumn dessert that is perfect for the whole family. 加了肉桂和葡萄干的米布丁是温馨的秋季甜点,非常适合全家人分享。

41、Spicy pumpkin and black bean chili is a flavorful autumn meal that is packed with protein and fiber. 辣南瓜和黑豆辣椒是丰盛美味的秋季餐食,富含蛋白质和纤维。

42、Apple crisp is an easy and delicious autumn dessert that is perfect for any occasion. 苹果脆是一款简单又美味的秋季甜点,在任何场合都很适合。

43、Roasted butternut squash with herbs and spices is a healthy and delicious autumn side dish. 加入草药和香料的烤蝴蝶南瓜是健康又美味的秋季配菜。

44、Warm and cozy hot cider with spices like cloves and ginger is a comforting drink for cooler autumn evenings. 加了丁香和姜的温暖苹果汁是秋季凉爽的夜晚时最舒适的饮品。

45、Hot spiced apple cider with a touch of brandy is a comforting drink for cooler autumn evenings. 加入一点白兰地的热香料苹果汁是秋季凉爽的夜晚时最舒适的饮品。

46、Warm and gooey caramel apple cinnamon rolls are a decadent autumn breakfast or dessert. 温暖软烂的焦糖苹果肉桂卷是奢华的秋季早餐或甜点。

47、Treat yourself to a slice of decadent chocolate cake with a side of whipped cream.

48、Enjoy the flavors of the season with a savory and aromatic pumpkin pie.

49、Warm and creamy pumpkin soup is a comforting autumn dish that is simple to make. 温暖且充满奶油的南瓜汤是简单易制作的舒适秋季菜肴。

50、Classic roasted turkey with all the fixings is a must-have dish on Thanksgiving Day. 传统的火鸡配有各种佐料,是感恩节必不可少的菜肴。

51、Hearty chili with beans and ground beef is a filling autumn meal that is perfect for cooler days. 加入豆类和牛肉的辣椒是填饱肚子的秋季餐食,非常适合凉爽的天气。

52、Savor the last of the summer fruit with a refreshing berry sorbet.

53、Make the most of the cooler weather with some nourishing and wholesome lentil soup.

54、Hot chocolate with marshmallows is a cozy autumn drink that warms the soul. 加了棉花糖的热巧克力是温馨的秋季饮品,能温暖心灵。

55、Roasted sweet potato wedges with honey and cinnamon are a sweet and savory autumn side dish. 加了蜂蜜和肉桂的烤甜薯楔是甜咸相间的秋季配菜。

56、Apple and cheddar grilled cheese sandwiches are a delicious and easy autumn lunch. 苹果和切达奶酪烤芝士三明治是美味又简单的秋季午餐。

57、Celebrate the start of football season with some crowd-pleasing buffalo chicken wings.

58、Celebrate the end of summer by grilling up some juicy barbecue ribs.