the only free intellectual (seneca)。当我们想发句子时,很多人会去网上寻找。句子简短字少的特征也是他的优势所在,哪些句子让你感受到人性的伟大与美好?这里为您呈现的是栏目小编为您整理的《热爱学习短句》的解读,相信这个技巧对你会有所帮助!







6、people will always want to learn. death, is a graduate of time. (hsiao chu f)

7、knowledge is not land on the water, hand-social available; but deep in the thick soil and rock under the kennedy qingquan, the only people who have the courage to drilling, she can taste it. (new motto)


9、a lot of people have talent, but if we do not take advantage of it, the talented man has been as long as they can (longfellow)

10、sage often fool for example. (chaucer)

11、the best you can handle things independently, which will get you self-confidence.

12、beware only read a book. (latin proverb)

13、学习虽然很忙很累,但我还是能感到学习的乐趣。语文课上,老师把我们带到文学的世界,让我们尽情地吸允着甘露,学会了品味。知道满腹诗文的李 白、杜甫,认识了忠心为国的岳飞、文天祥,了解了中外文化。数学课上,老师把我们领进数字王国,让我们尽情遨游,学会了思考。当我遇到一个个难题时,苦思 冥想、百思不解时,经过老师的耐心讲解,攻破难关时,我感到无比快乐。

14、theory can not solve those problems, the practice will give you resolve. (feuerbach)


16、's great works rather than by force, but insisted on the complete. (johnson)

17、read more and more without thinking, and you will feel you know a lot; but when you read and think more, and you will see more clearly, you also have to know very little. (voltaire)

18、the only free intellectual (seneca)



20、love their children road.

21、as long as willing to learn, we will be able society. (lenin)

22、wisdom holds the key to 3, a number of open, an open letter, an open note. knowledge, thinking, in which the illusion. (hugo)


24、read more famous works, to the more experienced people to ask, is equally necessary. (guo)


26、light of the most commonly used keys. (english proverb)

27、to know and learn, and then only be able to. ((warring states) kuang)




31、proficient in handling the shortage in the industry play, into line with the si destroyed. ((don) han yu)


33、kosuke domestic painting, cattle woven clothing night; to ren ku, ni liu kuan shi. ((million) xu kui 000)

34、drainage asked so clear that many, in order to have a source for (chu)




37、ignorance is proud of alias. (english proverb)

38、革命理想,不是无关紧要的点缀品,而是一个人生命的动力,有了理想,就等于有了灵魂。 —— 吴运铎

39、the history of smart people, poetry is witty, mathematics is fine, the philosophy is profound, is a serious moral, logic and rhetoric is extremely good. (bacon, francis)

40、to break the conventional point to the path of wisdom palace (black)

41、where people talk and inspired by the weather and the like, and i like to play carpenter gold jewelry chains as well work, a small ring very appropriate to connect. (heine)

42、genius than the soil and, of course, less than the number of teeth, but not the extreme hard, also fear it is not easy to do; but there is nothing more than idle natural talent sure. this is great soil, there are also anti-big hope. (lu)

43、people who have ability to master the devil, the wisdom of the people riding lions



46、only with the full knowledge of mankind to create wealth to enrich his mind to become a communist. (lenin)

47、a person, only in practice, the use of the ability to know.


49、talent to work, talent and creation are carried out. (schumann)


51、all right in theory, in practice must also effective. (kant)

52、is a good thought, if not implemented, and the same dream. (emerson)

53、it should be noted that detailed study, not sloppy, as this will gradually learn, explore, to find the objective law. (xu teli)